Friday, September 16, 2016

Family Photo Planning

Richards Family 2012

My husband and I have four amazing kids and all under the age of 12. We really feel like we hit the lotto with this bunch. I mean they have their low moments, but for the most part they listen, smell good, and haven't burned the house down. Really, the opposite of how my brothers and sisters grew up.

However when its family photo time it's like my kids transformed in to Gremlins and they just had a midnight snack. Every year I plan for months for the right outfits and go on location expeditions only to have my kids ruin the photo shoot with tantrums or running off to chase a butterfly.

Over the years I have learned a few tricks to help family photos go smoother and keep all the kids alive.

• Have treats on hand. Usually they say not to feed the wild animals but you may have to on this one. I keep some gummies or small animal crackers on hand to throw at the kids if they start to loose focus. I bring treats that are quickly chewed and swallowed and that won't spoil their clothes if they spit it out or drool on themselves.

•  Find a the right photographer. Or a wizard, both seem equally impossible to find. I start with Facebook months ahead, or sometimes a year in advance. I look for a photographer who does a lot of family photos. A photographer may be so talented and able to capture the magic of the setting sun but if they don't know how to snap a two year old tantrum, pass.

I have found that there are two main camps that photographers fall into. The Posers and The Candid. Posers, will take a lot of time to make sure that everyones hands are in the right place before taking the photo. They may stop several times and run up to the family to move a strain of hair. Posers produce some amazing photos, but they can take a toll on squirmy kids.

The Candid photo guys, can still start with a pose but they will then let the photos take themselves. Your photos will not have the perfect edges but they will be more organic. Just another aspect to keep an eye out for.

• The clothes. I love colors, and spend weeks planning and then longer finding the perfect color combination. I usually start with my husbands outfit and then plan everyone else to compliment or balance. Personal preference: I am not a fan of the white shirt and jeans, or any exactly the same color. Choose a color scheme and then select outfits for everyone that has an accent. This will produce a wonderful balance and flow to the photo.

Also find clothes that are not too new and unusual. You'll want your kids (and husband) not pulling at collars or playing with a new button.

• The best tip is to breath and relax. My husband made a game changing comment one year when I was trying to Photoshop a scab off my sons face. He said that life is messy and kids are crazy, they are not a perfect photo and neither is life. A family photo should be a retentive of who and what we are as a family at the moment in time (sometimes he says really cool things)

From that moment I have taken it easy and not tried so hard to keep the boys hair in place or the girls necklaces strait but enjoyed the day and appreciated who my kids are, in the moment. But heck if I don't look amazing!

All the best with your family photos this year. I can hardly wait to see the finished products in your Holiday Cards.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Retirement Party Planning

There are few things in life that we can escape, working is one of those things. We all have to eat and dang it food is expensive so we have to work (trust fund babies, please skip this article). 

When you get too old to work anymore hopefully you saved up enough that you can eat some nice foods. But before you live the good life of gardening and golf. You have to retire. Retirement parties are one of the top 3 most awkward parties to attend according to an article I pretended to read. They are like living funerals, the retirees is still living but they won't be coming back to your work world on Monday. 

Since they are inherently uncomfortable, might  as well embrace the fact and run with it. I have scoured the internet and found some themes, ideas, gifts, and games that will make the stale cake and uncomfortable half hugs more palatable.


Sunday, September 4, 2016

Happy Labor Day!

So I realized I know nothing about the history of Labor Day. A quick search brought up some interesting origins. I am super grateful for hard working people of our Country's past (and present) who have fought for the rights of the working people. 

During this time of political unrest I am filled with hope that the needs of the people will be considered and heard over those of policy and money. 

I also hope you all have a wonderful day full of rest, bbq, and no work!

History of Labor Day

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
The Founder

More than 100 years after the first Labor Day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.
Some records show that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those "who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold."
But Peter McGuire's place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged. Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday. Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. What is clear is that the Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic.
The First Labor Day
The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5, 1883.
In 1884 the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed, and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a "workingmen's holiday" on that date. The idea spread with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was celebrated in many industrial centers of the country.
See for more

Friday, September 2, 2016


Nothing says happiness like a bubble. No matter what age or station in life you are, bubbles bring you to child memory of happiness. Stay bubble today!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hello September!

It's almost here! Sweater Weather! My most favorite time of the year. I sweat all summer long with this one day in my heart. September 1st has always marked the end of summer and the benign of Autumn.

I hope you all have the most wonderful day!


Monday, August 29, 2016

Collaborative Pintrest Board: Where the Wild Things are

I love the Wild Things in my life. I have four real  life Wild Things running around in my house as we speak. 

I have also always loved Maurice Sendak's classic Where the Wild Things Are. I even liked the movie. I have found a lot of inspiration from the story in my own life and have used it as inspiration for several of my invitations

I am excited to announce my newest Collaborative Pinterest board featuring all things Wild. The board will feature Wild Thing party and event ideas from (of course) invitations to party favors. I would love to get as many contributors as possible to participate Pinning their own work and products to others they have found inspiration from. 

If you would like to be included just shoot me an email and Ill get you on board.

Mondays are optional

I really do love Monday's. I just hate them too. Working from home does come with it's benefits.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Party Planning: The Engagement Party

Life is nothing if not a million small celebrations. One of those celebrations the day you get engaged. Here are some tips form on how to make your engagement party an event to remember.

What It's For
People will want to congratulate you on your engagement, and let's be real: A party's a lot more fun than a phone call! It's also a great time to introduce key people from your lives who are going to be seeing a lot of each other (and possibly helping plan your wedding together) over the next year or so. "It's really the first time before the wedding when you have different groups of friends and generations really getting to know each other in a much more intimate way," says celebrity wedding planner Jung Lee of Fete NY.

Who Hosts

Traditionally, the bride's parents host the first official celebration. Then, the groom's parents can throw their own party, or maybe both sets of parents will come together to cohost an event. But these days, more couples are throwing the engagement party themselves (but just keep in mind that if you're doing the inviting, it's your responsibility to foot the bill too). Friends can also host (and may even volunteer to), but before you ask, be conscious of the financial implications.

When to Have It

The engagement party should fall within a few months of the proposal, right in the sweet spot between carefree, just-engaged life and the start of serious wedding planning. You'll want to give guests about a month's notice, so about 9 to 11 months before the wedding is the ideal time frame.

Whose Turf to Have It On

Say you live in New York, but most of your family and friends live in Chicago: You may decide to have your party in your hometown (and enlist someone local to help you plan), host it in your current locale or even throw two parties. Just beware of tiring out your guests and bridal party with too many invitations before the wedding day is even close. Also, when picking the party location, consider where you plan to have your wedding—you may not want to ask guests to travel twice. “More of my clients are having multiple engagement celebrations because their friends and family are spread all around the country, but everybody wants to honor them," Lee says.

Where to Have It

Depending on how many people you want to invite, you can make an engagement party work almost anywhere—it's really up to the hosts. To choose the venue, think about the atmosphere you want: If you like the idea of having everyone in the same room, you might want to rent out a private room at a restaurant, country club or a bar. For something more low-key, a house, backyard or beach club might be a better choice.

Whom to Invite

It used to be that you weren't supposed to invite anyone to the engagement party whom you weren't inviting to your wedding, case closed. But now that so many couples live and/or host their nuptials far away from their families and friends, and the formality of engagement parties is evolving, expectations have changed and engagement parties now often include people who aren't invited to the wedding. If your friends want to plan an informal bar party and just email the invites a few weeks before, it's totally fine to include people you aren't sure will end up making the wedding guest list (coworkers, newer friends, college roommates). And if your parents' good friends want to host a cocktail party at their home in your honor, let your parents invite mutual friends and business associates you might not have room for at your wedding.
If, on the other hand, either you two or your parents are hosting, the old rule sticks. When the wedding hosts send the engagement party invitation, it's considered part of the official wedding parties and guests assume they're invited to the wedding too. To avoid a sticky situation later, start working on your wedding guest list now. Then trim the engagement party list down to your wedding party, immediate family and closest friends.

How to Invite

Feel free to keep the invitations simple. You can even make them yourselves or send out an email. If you've chosen your invitation designer already, see if they'll give you a special rate. Don't worry if you haven't settled on a color palette or don't have a wedding date in mind yet—your engagement party invitations don't have to match the rest of your stationery. Also, make sure you have your wedding registry done before the engagement party invitations are sent out in case guests want to bring you a gift.

What to Serve

There's no need to plan a five-course meal with a four-hour open bar. Anything from passed appetizers or tasting menu stations to a family-style buffet or casual cookout will work. Or get creative and serve up dishes that share something about you. "I had a bride and groom known for having Sunday Mexican dinners, so of course they brought it back with margaritas, mini fish tacos and great guacamole—it just made sense and was a genuine touch," Lee says. As for dessert, serve it if you'd like, but it doesn't have to be cake. Consider gourmet ice cream sandwiches, assorted baked goods or seasonal treats like candy apples or cotton candy.

How to Set the Scene

While of course it's fine for the décor and details to reflect your wedding colors and theme, like your invites, don't feel like you have to rush to choose them just so your engagement party can match. The real trick here is that you don't want to upstage the wedding. So if you're envisioning a casual beach wedding with simple décor, a fancy cocktail party at a swanky hotel with over-the-top centerpieces might make that beach bash feel like a bit of a letdown. Consider choosing a style and theme that are completely different from your wedding day to mix things up. So if you're planning a formal ballroom wedding, go for a laid-back beach theme for your engagement party, with vibrant tropical colors and an outdoor setting. Just a few small arrangements from your local florist can perk up any space (and it's a great way to try out a potential florist for the wedding). Even if you want to keep the engagement party low-key, a theme and coordinating color palette are an easy way to tie things together.

What to Wear

Your wardrobe will depend on the setting of the party. Aside from the obvious (don't wear a long, beaded evening gown to a casual backyard bash), keep it simple enough that you don't outdo your wedding day look, but special enough that you'll stand out. A sundress will work for an outdoor affair, or for a fancier fete, a cocktail dress is a safe bet. And what should your freshly minted francé wear? While he doesn't have to wear a suit and tie (and certainly not a tux)—unless the venue calls for it—he should get as dressed up as you do. And if you have a specific dress code for your guests, make a note of it on the invitation.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Printing your invites

Printing on your own. This can be a great way to keep your party on a budget. 

Use white card stock or paper when printing, colored paper can alter the colors of the fonts and graphic elements. The way you see the card in the sample is the way it will print on your paper. So if there is burlap your printer will print the burlap and so on.

I always recommend card stock, when I print for party planners I use a nice 110lb stock, it has a great look and feel. 

I can format your final design so there are multiple cards to a page, this will save you time and money on paper.

If you are using another print shop,  you’ll need to call them before you approve the proof to get their file needs. 

If you are printing on your own and don’t know what file type to print in let me know where you plan on printing and Ill get you the best file type. 

If you decide that you would rather use my professional printing services you can order your printed cards and envelopes here

Invitation wording etiquette

Fun Facts about wording your invitation 

You don’t need to add PLEASE to RSVP because that’s what it means in french, "please respond". 

You don’t need to add the th or st to the date if you have the year on it. If you want to add it then leave the year off or change the wording to 1st of august 2015. 

Trends come and go but the etiquette from the good old days dictates that it is uncouth to ask for specific gift items. 

For more helpful tips check out this link